Seasonal and seismic shifts – Spring is coming!
“It is always important to know when something has reached its end. Closing circles, shutting doors, finishing chapters, it doesn’t matter what we call it; what matters is to leave in the past those moments in life that are over.”
Paulo Coelho
Winter is Coming! or Summer is Here – depending on which hemisphere you live in, and now we are moving into Autumn and Spring.
This past month as we navigate and move into a different stratosphere and indeed over the next 2 months, these words are going to be very apt. We cannot take forward with us those moments in life that are over.
So what doors did you shut, or are shutting, or possibly should consider shutting? What circles are you closing in order to move on?
For many, it is indeed a ‘letting go’ process in a time of uncertainty, and of greater certainty for others who have taken the time for this inner work. The inner work, for those of us who have undertaken it, know it is not an easy one, and certainly “not for the faint-hearted” as a colleague of mine says.
If one is feeling that the energies are somewhat intense, know that you are not alone. Some days I have been feeling depleted and found it difficult to focus, and yet on others, have a massive burst of energy. Many others I have talked to have been experiencing this. It has certainly thrown my rhythm out, and required being kind to myself and listening to what was being asked of me, and needed.
On some level it feels like a renewal of my life stream. Stopping doing so much and moving more into ‘being’ has given me the space to recharge and rebalance.One thing I have done is to stop watching the main stream media – the ‘news’ in particular. The constant fear mongering and hype can displace even the most robust person’s equilibrium. Interestingly, my TV went on the blink late August last year – literally ‘ran out of memory’ was the message, which, in itself, is another interesting metaphor.
Where might we be holding onto a memory that needs to reframed,reformed or released? When we sit with this, it often reaffirms what we need to let go of. To de-clutter that which is not needed in the next ‘iteration‘ of our being and life’s journey. A recurring question in this process – “What belongs to the past and is not part of the new identity, that is calling me moving forwards?”
Holding on can result from a variety reasons including; a sense of security, attachment to a past success, a fear of what the future may hold, protection from being vulnerable.
How might whatever you are holding onto be preventing you from stepping into your dream?
A colleague almost accepted a position which she was more than qualified to do, yet it would have held her back from moving into a position where she was able to live her dream and bring her gifts to the world.
Metaphorically this pandemic has had many of us in every part of the world in the season of ‘winter’ for the past 2 years. Indeed in some countries more so than others. We need cycles in our lives to energetically shift, from summer to autumn, autumn to winter, winter to spring, spring to summer – Happily, it now does feel like a big ‘spring’ clean irrespective of which hemisphere we live in.
Trusting my inner guidance, listening to insightful podcasts and music. IN these dark times, just being silent and listening to the birds or the wind in the trees, is best for my soul. I do strongly know that even after the darkest night, the sun will rise again. One needs to stay true to one’s path.
A quote I loved from Elizabeth Gilbert: “I’m choosing happiness over suffering, I know I am. I’m making space for the unknown future to fill up my life with yet-to-come surprises.”
It’s a time in your life when something new – something eccentric – needs to break through into conscious awareness.
Reflect and Journal:
How are you making space for the unknown future?
What door might you need to close?
How might you ‘individuate’?