The Still Small Voice – Listening deeply
“ Inner guidance is heard like soft music in the night by those who have learned to listen”.
Vernon Howard.
Listening deeply to ourselves is an integral element of the listening path. A trusting of our instincts, those impulses, and acknowledging who in fact, we shouldn’t listen to. I refer to those well-meaning others who offer their unsolicited advice and can sway our inner voice – if we allow it.
By ‘tuning in’ and really listening, we gain clarity to know what we should not only tune out, but what to steer clear of altogether.
There is so much ‘noise’ around us – much of it generated by general media, social media and the many governmental representatives across the globe. Being ‘discerning’ is key to remaining balanced.
What is true for you?
Looking at it from a broader context, we are being challenged to consider:
– What is morally legal?
– What is ethically wise?
Choice of words used has never been so important, and I am referring to the words we choose to use with ourselves also, our still inner voice.
Dialogue on many levels seems to have dissipated, and that is concerning to me. I was on a call this morning with colleagues from Ohio, Texas and Paris and we commented on how people’s voices are being discounted. People with genuine concerns of the mandated approach, who have valid ideas of how processes could be enhanced – to improve individual’s health, address economic structures, inequality, climate change – highly qualified experts who genuinely care and are considering the bigger context and longer term. It takes courage to raise a dissenting point of view. Courage is so needed in these times.
As Gabor Nate said recently in his Wisdom of Trauma series, “there is so much divisiveness in the world at the moment. It seems to have escalated to an unhealthy level, with both the pro-vaxxers and anti-vaxxers equally vehement in their behaviours and words”. The lack of engagement and deep listening is missing on so many levels. The uncomfortable feeling from one observing is quite unsettling and in many ways, incredibly sad. Almost as if force versus choice is playing out.
“The art of shedding the should”.
Nothing kills a conversation more quickly than someone telling you how to live your life. The arrogance of someone else thinking they know better than you. Sharing advice or opinion is often dependent on the tone of voice and words chosen. Our past experience with someone will also influence how well we listen or tune out.
Who are those trusted friends, confidantes that you feel really listen to you, who see you for who you are and what you stand for?
Conversely who are those friends who are trying to change you, give you unsolicited advice?
What happens to your energy in these situations?
Sit with it and notice. There may be some people that it is wisest to avoid altogether.
“Taking our own advice is often the wisest course of action”
Julia Cameron, The Listening Path.
There is no certainty, no black and white plan or road map that is fool proof. Listening, learning and letting go of expectations is part of the process.
It is therefore now time to pay unwavering attention to your own inner voice – whatever it says to you. Take those messages seriously. Nudges, hints, impressions, intuitions, and sometimes even outright screams (which are more challenging to block out). Do not brush these off or ignore them or intellectually override them. Doing so could cost you in multiple ways right now.
Expect the unexpected and stay in neutrality when the old familiar “reality rules” suddenly stop working. They may even disappear for a second, a minute, or a day or longer.
When listening deeply it is so easy for our patterns to override these ‘instincts’. Paying attention to the instincts, will allow us to grow.
Are your patterns helping or harming you?
Remember your perceptions are creative in nature. If you define something as negative – thenthat is the message your brain receives and responds to it by creating an emotional state to reinforce that reality. Your happiness lies in reframing events to accept what is and let go of what you cannot control. If you believe the outer circumstance is entwined inevitably to your story about it, then you surely will be at the mercy of whatever is occurring in your life.
Your path is “What Is”.
The are times in your life when even your most precious beliefs and realisations fall apart and dissolve in front of your very eyes. What might have been clear only days or weeks ago is transformed to dust. This is when you get real and know that it is actually not about you.
Two of my current clients have these same themes. Falling into old habits or patterns, that are no longer serving them. It is important not to linger in tense or difficult situations. Notice them and move on. I can help you to sense liberation from the past as you explore strategies that are more appropriate.
It is about fully inhabiting your own Revolution.
Let your authenticity support you in whatever arises. Live from your knowing-ness, your gut, and intuitive intelligence, then you will feel genuinely, creatively alive. Able to make those informed choices that serve you and your path.
Stay true to your path and listen within. As Hazel Butterworth says; “ Trust your inner guidance and follow your heart, for your soul has your blueprint and the universe your back”.
Journal and reflection.
– Where have you allowed yourself the courage to stand tall and do what was important to you?
– When have you experienced a fierce grace as you deepened your enquiry, a restructuring of self?